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Our family-owned Christmas tree farm is located in Granton, WI. The land has been in our family for over 150 years and we've been growing Christmas trees proudly since 1987. We offer choose & cut and off site sales of Fraser, Balsam, Canaan and White Pine trees as well as an authentic farm experience for your family. 

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In the mid-1800’s, Fred Vine Sr. traveled from Kent, England by way of Buffalo, New York to build a new life in the United States. He made his way toward the beautiful rolling hills of Wisconsin and homestead on the ridge in Neillsville. Fred met a few folks nearby and they told him that the land was good farmland. He decided to stay. To this day, Fred’s original house is still standing straight west of the town hall.

Three generations later, Gordon Vine, great-grandson of Fred Vine, inherited 80 acres of the land. He and his wife, Faith, thought it was the most beautiful place they had ever seen, so together they purchased the remaining land. For years the land existed as a thriving dairy and beef farm. Sadly, in 1987, Faith passed away. Gordon felt unsure of what to do with the land. He decided to take a chance. He drove to a nearby nursery run by the Pierce Family. They sold him 5,000 Frasier Fir Christmas trees. Gordon and his sons Jeff and Paul planted and watered these first 5,000 trees by hand, and this sprouted the beginnings of Vine’s Christmas Trees.

Currently, Gordon's five children and eleven grandchildren continue to produce beautiful Christmas Trees every year. We take great pride in knowing each tree that sprouts from our land has deep, rich history in its roots. We hope Vine’s Christmas Trees can serve you this year and for many years to come.

Gordon & Faith Vine Scholarship

The Gordon and Faith Vine Scholarship was established in 2014 to honor the lives and careers of Gordon and Faith Vine.  Gordon graduated from NHS in 1940.  He then enrolled in UW River Falls to pursue a degree in Agriculture.  College was interrupted in 1942 when he enlisted in the US Army Air Corp, where he was top turret gunner in a B-24 bomber. 

Upon completion of WWII he returned to UW River Falls and graduated in 1947.  He used his Ag degree to serve as a Veteran training teacher in Agriculture, serve as a sales representative for the American Dairy Association, and finally as Ag Loan officer for the Neillsville Bank. During this time, he lived on the farm he was born on and continued to raise beef cattle.  He retired in 1986 and planted the first Christmas Trees in 1987. 

Faith (Griffith) Vine grew up in River Falls, WI.  She attended UW Madison where she earned a degree in English Education.  She met Gordon during this period and they were married in 1947.  She began her teaching career in Greenwood, WI.  She taught English as well as reading for over 30 years.  She had a lifelong love of education and ensured all five of her children earned post-secondary degrees. 

As a result of Gordon & Faith Vine's lifelong commitment to agriculture and education, our family commits a portion of each year's tree sales, to support a Neillsville High School graduating senior who is pursuing a degree in either Agriculture or education.


This scholarship is funded as an endowment fund, which is managed by the Marshfield Community Foundation.  By endowing the scholarship we ensure only the interest will be used and it will continue to provide benefits for worthy students for years to come. 


Left: Gordon and Faith Vine; Below: Scholarship Recipients


Scholarship Recipients

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